Threw a small bbq before the owner of the house came back lol. It did get a little lonely being in the house by myself. so why not invite some companions. Joey sponsored a grill as a pre-housewarming gift. so I had to build it myself. put the grill together stocked up the fridge grilled chicken burgers and sausages hookin up the box more grillin' this time steak by joey mindy FAT black widow oOoh tempting back stock the goods the group joey posin brenden with the steel reserve chillin and playing UFC undisputed
whoa tryin' to get an upskirt
thanks to those who brought stuff to grill, the beer, and themselves. good chill night.
was invited last minute to my distant cousins wedding. So I made my way there not knowing what to expect. and I finally get there and see every one all dolled up and my kuyas in their tux. every one looking nice and spliffy. It was actually a small wedding with a court of two on each side. nothing fancy. Ceremony, food, open bar :). haha. I was glad to attend such a nice family gathering once again. I used to live up north and spend time with these people a lot until complications arose. Nothing dramaish, just the economic slump working its way into play. But finally be able to see every one again was good. The food was awesome and I fkn caught the GARTER. WTH. i guess guyz are supposed to avoid it but the mc stated "bad luck for the garter to touch the ground after being tossed so don't let it touch the ground." i thought to myself, these other "single" filipino guys are short imma push um to catch it. I thought it was gonna be fun. but after kuya Jun tossed the garter, i had to run to catch it and the rest of the guys watched me look foolish. A guy doesnt wanna get married at a young age, he still wants to be a bachelor and Now i'm binded with this so called curse of marriage. haha. J's favorite line "Dawg in due time."- kanye west so i guess we'll just have to see who i bind with. CONGRATS MR.CEZAR JUN & MRS. LUDIVINA (sp?) MAGADA! (yeah looks like maganda, i joke about it all the time)